Dog on Dog Aggression Consultations

Canine Behaviour Consultations: What to Expect

Our Behaviour Practitioners are approved by most Pet Insurance Companies to see your dog when referred by your Veterinarian. A Canine Behaviour Consultation will last approximately two hours. It could be an hour or it could be three or more hours, but the cost is the same regardless. The information below will guide you through a typical consultation that you may wish to book in your own home.

After your initial contact via the telephone or email and an explanation in brief of the problem that you wish to be present to the practitioner, your details will be recorded and the relevant psychological profile forms will be sent to you via email for completion prior to the meeting.

The completed forms can be sent (preferably) in advance or handed in at the beginning of your consultation. This helps speed up the process and gives us a background of your dog, your lifestyle and the problems that you are experiencing.

The consultation begins and the practitioner will begin to gather the pertinent information both in regard to your dogs general behaviour and lifestyle along with the problems. It is vital in most cases that the appropriate questions are asked and answered in order to build up a complete and accurate historical picture so that the correct behavioural diagnosis is made.

The second part of the Consultation may be for testing in the dogs behavioural responses if necessary, for example: walking the dog in public places to observe fear or predatory problems, playing sounds for dogs that are phobic, introducing other various dogs or people, travelling in a car et al.

The practitioner will then explain what they believe that the problem is and its cause or probable cause. You can expect complete honesty from your practitioner and no false hopes will be given. You will be informed of the realistic chances of stopping, reducing or managing the problem.

Pertinent training and handling techniques will be demonstrated to you.

Any equipment recommended will be discussed and demonstrated.

After the consultation your practitioner will write a full report including all of the new behaviour programmes that you are advised to implement with your dog. A copy of this is sent to your Veterinarian if you wish.

After the consultation we aim to get your report issued as soon as possible as we are aware that the information imparted may be difficult to remember fully. We encourage much telephone or e-mail contact so that we can assess your progress and impart further advice if required. Typically, we supply DVD’ or downloads to follow also.

To find out about how we can help with specific behavioural problems, select from the options on the right hand side for more information.

To find out more or hire an expert, get in touch today.

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Thank you from

Wythall German Shepherd Dog Training Club

The trainers at Wythall German Shepherd Dog Training Club wanted some guidance with how we could work with dogs in a class environment that we were unable to accommodate due to their behaviour. Especially so we didn’t disrupt the calmer dogs.

Ross McCarty was asked to do some training with our trainers and a few of the dogs in the club that were struggling to stay calm in a class and were also aggressive when on lead out and about. Some of the dogs were only aggressive to other dogs, but a couple of the dogs did not cope well with people either.

Ross was more than accommodating in swapping the session around, putting the trainer’s session at the end, so owners could get away with their dogs (due to the heat) while the training was aimed at class structure.

The whole session was great. We had 8 problem / aggressive dogs enter the room and 8 relaxed dogs at the end of it, some were so comfortable they were drifting off to sleep.

It was a great mix of general theories and methods and also targeted one to one solutions to specific problems, all well managed between Ross and his colleague Vicky.

There was a relaxed atmosphere and everyone’s questions were welcomed and well answered.

Overall a brilliant session and some great ideas to take forward into our classes to help all the dogs, whether the ones that can react or the ones that don’t want to be reacted to.

The feedback from all who attended has been excellent!

Thank you

Thank You From

Four Paws Dog Training Club

Four Paws Dog Training Club would like to thank Ross for his teaching session which was very helpful to our trainers and Committee members. We asked Ross to talk to us about handling dogs who were disruptive. We were particularly interested in helping handlers with dogs who bark a lot in class.

Ross shared many ideas on managing the class differently, and on helping individual owners improve their dogs’ behaviour, and we have used this successfully. We found his interactive and informal manner very enjoyable and this helped us to relax and ask plenty of questions.  Ross was also able to assist in a particular case:  making an assessment of one of the dogs who attended our classes and giving specific behavioural advice.

The dog’s owner implemented Ross’s advice, which we reinforced in the class, and she now has a very well behaved dog.

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